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Why does my domain redirect to /

Updated ${article_date}

There are many reasons that could cause your site domain / subdomain to redirect to, there's no fixed reason either. Contrary to what the redirected domain states, its not necessarily that your account or domain was suspended.

We will try to break down the cases when this can occur.

Your account is suspended

Will start with the most obvious reason, and that is your account being suspended. In such cases, your domain or subdomain will automatically redirect to

As soon as your account is reactivated, the redirect will be removed, however you may need to wait a few minutes for websites to show online again.

You are moving your domain to another hosting provider or another free account

If you are trying to move your domain to a different hosting provider, and you already updated your domain nameservers, please know that you need to wait for a period of time for nameservers propagation to fully complete. Within this period, you should NOT remove your domain from your hosting account.

If you remove the domain from your hosting account while DNS propagation is not yet complete, it will redirect by default to the as the domain is still pointing to our servers, yet not added to any account.

We can not speed up DNS propagation, you just have to allow it time for it to complete unfortunately.

If you already removed the domain from your account, you can add the domain back to your old account, it is however import to be inside the same account to ensure the domain points to the correct account IP address.

You did not pointed the domain or subdomain to the right IP address

If you verified that your domain / subdomain is added to your hosting account, in case you manage your own DNS, you need to ensure the IP address shown in your account details page matches the IP address used in your DNS.

If your domain name points to a different IP address than the one listed in your account details page, it will redirect to by default.

Browser or DNS caching

Sometimes it is just a matter of browser caching, you can easily do this by clearing your browser cookies and cache.

If your domain just had its domain nameservers updated or its domain IP changed, then it can also be a DNS cache.

All cache related issues are usually resolved within 24-48 hours on its own.

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